Paul has discussed how Christians have died with Christ and been set free from sin (Romans 6:3-7).
Being raised with Christ means no longer living for the old master of sin and living a righteous life to the new master - God (Romans 6:16-23).
Proclaiming the gospel and the grace of God did not encourage people to continue in sin - it taught them to leave sin behind and live for God.
Where we are going in Romans 7.
In Romans 6, Paul defended the gospel against the Judaizing false teachers. In Romans 7, Paul goes on the offensive and explains why trying to hold on to the Law and Christ at the same time is impossible.
Let’s remind ourselves of what Paul has already said about the Law in Romans:
No one can be justified by the Law (Romans 3:20-24).
The Law was temporary (Romans 5:20-21).
The Christian is not under the Law (Romans 6:14).
Why does Paul take such a strong stance on being set free from the Law?
As long as sinners are bound under the iron rule of Law they are required to offer flawlessness. If they offer less than that Sin becomes their master. Law is the unwitting ally of the evil master, Sin. What then is the solution? To stay under Law but claim the benefits of Christ [as some were trying to do]? That can’t be done. The only solution is to die to the Law. - McGuiggan, Romans, 200
Paul contended in [Romans] 7:1-6 that Christians have died with Christ to the Law, possess the Holy Spirit, and bear good fruit in their lives. He also argued that those under the Law cannot have these; instead, they bring the penalty of death on themselves. - Pollard, Truth for Today Commentary, 227
But isn’t teaching that we must die to the Law undermine and insult the Law? This is what Paul will discuss in Romans 7:7-25.
[The Law’s] weakness is not in itself; it is in the people who are under its sway…The legalist thinks he can satisfy it by offering a healthy quota of right-living, etc., but Paul knows that flawlessness is what is demanded. He will show that even mighty striving to fulfill the Law of God brings nothing but pain and remorse. The Law is so holy and high in its demands that it will drive him to look for rescue outside himself. - McGuiggan, Romans, 200
Outline of Romans 7.
So to give ourselves a brief outline of Romans 7…
You have died to the Law and been set free from it (Romans 7:1-6).
That is not an insult to the Law; it’s necessary (Romans 7:7-25).
Lord willing, I look forward to beginning Romans 7 together!