Thank you so much for this message. For those who have never battled depression or anxiety, they do not have a clue as to what it is like. The idea of "what does she or he have to be depressed about" shows this. The mindset of many towards those who are suffering is often "just think positive thoughts and all will be well" is not true. I have known many faithful Christians who battle anxiety and depression. They often think they are "bad Christians" or if only they had "more faith" they could overcome this. True clinical depression is a disease just like diabetes. Clinical depression requires professional intervention. Let us be kind and compassionate towards others for we never know what struggles they have been through or are going through. Psalm 46 was right on target. Thank you again for this post.

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Excellent article Drew. Thank you for opening up and sharing this. I believe this will definitely help people.

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Thankyou Drew

A very touching and insightful perspective on depression, and how it affects all of those around us.

It takes a long time to recover from a loved one committing suicide, and to write this two years after the event you have done a marvellous job of recovery, with God's help as in Psalm 46.

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Thank you for sharing such a difficult story. "God is my refuge and strength" is my life verse.

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Bless you brother

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God bless you, Drew. Very touching...close to home, as I thought about my brother in law who took his life in extreme mental and physical pain. This time of year it is especially dark for many. I appreciate the sensitivity of this post.

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thank you for sharing this. very helpful. prayers for you and your family always

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Thank you so much for sharing this, and I thank Drew for allowing it to be shared. I believe many will be helped by it. No one can fight this demon of depression without God.

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