So in other words, my husband now of 5 years, previously divorced and I, previously divorced (both not on biblical principles due to us not being born again) are living in adultery?
We truly repented a couple of years ago, and was born again.
Does this mean that we need to be divorced to be set free from adultery?
So in other words, my husband now of 5 years, previously divorced and I, previously divorced (both not on biblical principles due to us not being born again) are living in adultery?
We truly repented a couple of years ago, and was born again.
Does this mean that we need to be divorced to be set free from adultery?
So in other words, my husband now of 5 years, previously divorced and I, previously divorced (both not on biblical principles due to us not being born again) are living in adultery?
We truly repented a couple of years ago, and was born again.
Does this mean that we need to be divorced to be set free from adultery?