Have you repented from something if your in the same state/relationship that was sinful before being baptized? In other words I have kidnapped someone and then baptized. Can I keep the kidnapped person? Or when I know that is sinful will I release them? Baptism doesn’t change the state of the kidnapping to say all things have passed away…
Have you repented from something if your in the same state/relationship that was sinful before being baptized? In other words I have kidnapped someone and then baptized. Can I keep the kidnapped person? Or when I know that is sinful will I release them? Baptism doesn’t change the state of the kidnapping to say all things have passed away and are made new. Me still holding the kidnapped person is still sinful. It seems so many can grasp this understanding but not when it comes to adultery. Baptism does not change the definition or state of sin. Repentance is getting out of the sin.
Have you repented from something if your in the same state/relationship that was sinful before being baptized? In other words I have kidnapped someone and then baptized. Can I keep the kidnapped person? Or when I know that is sinful will I release them? Baptism doesn’t change the state of the kidnapping to say all things have passed away and are made new. Me still holding the kidnapped person is still sinful. It seems so many can grasp this understanding but not when it comes to adultery. Baptism does not change the definition or state of sin. Repentance is getting out of the sin.