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if anything you say is true. which i do not think it is. but lets accept the notion it is. Then the Pharisees are correct in saying "Truly it is not good to marry" for it is a death sentence.

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I could be wrong, but I have tried to take my thoughts from the Scriptures.

Jesus' own disciples said something similar: "If such is the case of the man with his wife, it is better not to marry" (Matthew 19:10).

So maybe I am wrong. But perhaps, this is another one of those "hard sayings" of Jesus that causes many people to refuse to follow Him - John 6:60-66.

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"And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery; and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery." Matthew 19:9

This is Jesus' own teaching on marriage and adultery. What about it isn't true?

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for legalistic Pharisees. it's easy to point to one or two verses and say "see that's it" I never said Divorce and remarriage is not adultery. IT IS!! but the crux of the issue is the adultery from remarriage is a CONTINUOUS SIN? I say it's not.

woman at the well was married what 5 times and her current man was not her husband. Jesus didn't say " you had a covenant spouse and 5 adulterous affairs" no he recognized each marriage afterwards.

David committed adultery and murder. But after David repented God didn't tell David to divorce Bathsheba. NOPE God blessed David's adulterous union and blessed him. Yes, David had to pay a price. But God forgave David and blessed the union.

These are a few examples. Remarriage is a adultery. But once the couple repent Like David God washes the slate clean. Once the remarriage as been made the old covenant is broken (by consummations in the marriage bed) and a new covenant is made. God honors the new covenant. Adultery is NOT a continuous sin. it's a one time sin. Remarriage is not the unforgivable sin. There is only one of those.

Pharisees lived 2000 years ago and still live today. Jesus detested them and mocked them then. He still does now.

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I am questioning allot in my walk with Christ. I continuously fall. However it is my heart's desire to honor God. And if it means to put aside things like adulterous marriages for His sake, then so be it.

However, Bathsheba's husband was killed. She didn't divorce her husband and married David. I think that is a different scenario. David didn't live in perpetual sin. He committed adultery and murder once. He then asked for forgiveness.

I don't believe this blog is at all trying to point fingers and condemning people. Perhaps his blog is purely trying to show scripture for what it is.

I love my now husband more than anything. But if this "marriage" is ungodly and part of adultery, then I need to know. The fear of the Lord is my strength.

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