Good lesson. I struggle with this at times. Especially when they approve of things against Gods will, and His word.

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Certainly it's a challenge for all of us - of course, we don't have to be thankful for their policies that go against Scripture. But we should be thankful for the opportunities and freedoms given to us and use them for the benefit of the Lord's kingdom.

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Christians have an incredible opportunity today to reflect on Jesus' teachings and consider how they might align with values in politics that prioritize compassion, justice, and support for those in need. Here’s a look at how Democratic policies often connect with the heart of Jesus' message to love, serve, and lift each other up:


Jesus’ Teaching: Jesus famously said, “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat… I was sick, and you looked after me” (Matthew 25:35-36). He taught us to care for the sick and those in need.

Democratic Policy: Many Democratic policies focus on expanding healthcare access, like the Affordable Care Act, so people don’t suffer or die simply because they can’t afford a doctor. This reflects Jesus’ call to be there for those who are hurting and make sure no one falls through the cracks.


Jesus’ Teaching: Jesus said in Luke 4:18 that He came to “proclaim good news to the poor… to set the oppressed free.” His ministry was dedicated to lifting up those who were forgotten or struggling.

Democratic Policy: Democrats often support policies to reduce poverty and help the working poor, like raising the minimum wage and providing food and housing assistance. These programs aim to give everyone a chance at a decent life, echoing Jesus’ commitment to those who are overlooked and in need.


Jesus’ Teaching: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). Jesus calls us to treat strangers and those in need with love and compassion.

Democratic Policy: The Democratic Party generally supports compassionate immigration policies, including offering protections and a fair path to citizenship for those who come seeking safety and opportunity. This mirrors Jesus’ call to open our hearts and our communities to people who may be different from us but are still children of God.


Biblical Principles: Genesis 2:15 teaches that God entrusted us to “work and take care of” the earth. Jesus also taught us to love our neighbors, and caring for the environment is a way to protect our neighbors from harm.

Democratic Policy: Democrats prioritize climate change and environmental protection because pollution and climate issues often harm the most vulnerable. Protecting God’s creation aligns with the idea that we are caretakers of the earth for each other and for future generations.


Jesus’ Teaching: The Bible says, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile… for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). Jesus broke down barriers, showing that all people are equal and loved by God.

Democratic Policy: The Democratic Party emphasizes equality and justice for everyone, often supporting policies that address racial discrimination, promote fair treatment in the criminal justice system, and protect marginalized communities. This reflects the belief that everyone is equal in God’s eyes and deserves respect and dignity.


Jesus’ Teaching: Jesus taught, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s” (Luke 20:25). While He didn’t talk taxes in detail, He encouraged using wealth to serve others, as in the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.

Democratic Policy: Democrats often push for fair taxation, where wealthier people and large corporations pay their share to help fund education, healthcare, and infrastructure that benefit everyone. This principle reflects Jesus’ call to help the poor and seek a just society where everyone has a chance to thrive.

These values—caring for the sick, supporting the poor, welcoming the stranger, protecting creation, upholding equality, and promoting the common good—are not just policies; they’re foundational to Jesus’ teachings. Aligning with these principles is a powerful way to live out our faith in a way that makes our society more compassionate, fair, and loving, just as Jesus taught us to be.

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