We need to hear more teaching on marriage especially divorce & remarrying. Young & old alike need to know the truth of Gods word on this subject.

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Good article. I was just working on a sermon on this topic and these verses today!

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So, can you explain why the Pharisees and Apostles were so shocked and confused about what Jesus was teaching here when the adultery exception already existed in Jewish law under the Shammai school of thought? If you are right about this, than Jesus teachings would not have come as a surprise to anyone.

Also, how does your reading of this passage harmonize with the parallel passages in Mark and Luke? As well as what St. Paul teaches on divorce in his letter to the Corinthians as well as Malachi 2:16?

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Jesus did NOT allow a spouse that was cheated on the option to remarry.

Remarriage is only allowed in the case of DEATH of a covenant spouse.

The exception that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 19:9 ONLY (because he was speaking to a mostly Jewish audience), was due to FORNICATION NOT ADULTERY, specifically during the engagement period (hence the case of Mary and Joseph).

Be blessed!!

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