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First, no matter what the MS does, I have to see if it is right. The name 'Jesus' has no meaning

at all. Came about in only 1640 a.d. He was born a Jew, with a Jewish name, which

the angels said to call Him. His name in Hebrew, for He is Hebrew is Yehoshua, and

this name is PERFECT. You likely know that Yeho means 'the eternal God' and

'shua' means 'salvation'. It is NOT 'Yeshua' which lops off 'God'.

Strong's gives us 'Yehoshua' and this meaning cannot be contested as the Watchtower

like to do.

Imagine how it is said 'He was WITHOUT sin', and we can never be that.

Not completely, not all the time.

And isn't it so OFTEN through the 'emotions' that we are led to sin, so, as you

said say or do, or even THINK things that are UNWORTHY of a Christian?

The word 'EMOTION' means motion going out of us. What then is going out of us?

Are we functioning in 'behold all things are new', or is the 'carnal mind' which is

enmity with God in control. Or, horrors, is it BOTH?

Have you met people who could 'talk the talk', but did not 'walk the walk', or

people who could really discuss the bible well, then turn around and choose

a very satanical person to be around and enjoy? Have you seen these


These mixture people are very dangerous, because they can seem one way,

then turn and go the other way.

I think of the scripture of the wise and foolish woman, how the foolish woman

builds her house, then plucks it down again. What a waste.

I believe that FIRST, we must 'work out our OWN SALVATION', yes, with fear and

trembling, it says. Why fear and trembling?

Could you find time to address this important scripture?

We must ensure we are 'on the right path', doing what Yehoshua commanded,

his many commands, I think someone said 66!! If we ALL do this, then it

will be spiritually safe to communicate one with another. As one new ager

told me, and she was right, 'Know your limits'. I love to pick up wisdom here

and there.

The Lord knew how to 'be angry' and He had no sin. We have more difficulties

around all that.

Important topic, and thank you for this opportunity.

Your insights are most welcome. We grow from our sharing, and even

disagreeing which I think is OK, because we're all looking for TRUTH.

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