Just to add another interpretation : Then Paul sets forth his premise, the theme of the epistle, which is: those justified in God’s eyes are those justified by faith (1:16-17). What does this mean in practical terms? It means this: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding (Prov. 3:5, ESV). Paul’s theme in Romans is not anything new, for even under the Law (Law of Moses or LM), one was justified by faith; the faith that justifies is an active faith, a faith that trusts in the Lord and obeys His will. The Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary captured the idea in this remark: “to promote obedience (to GOD) springing from or belonging to faith in Him (not from keeping of law)” (E-Sword). Since God’s righteousness is understood when one responds in faith, justification is a matter of understanding from the faithfulness of God to man’s response of faith.

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I came across that point of view as well - and it makes a lot of sense too!

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If Whiteside is not on your shelf, be sure to get him. I think he's pretty good.

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