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RE: The Lord *tried* to warn Jehoshaphat about the foolishness of his alliance with Ahab. We would be wise to listen to the Word of God’s (alleged weakly tried but failed) warnings. This is yet another example of the fact that the Lord is “the Most High” who sovereignly “rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He chooses” (Daniel 4:25).

Question: According the Masonic gospel of Jezebel’s humanistic spirit, the Lord Most High vainly *tried* with all of His heart’s strength to warn Jehoshaphat. But God’s impotent warning fell on uncircumcised deaf ears and failed to accomplish the righteous desire of His heart’s theocratic volition. Has the Lord Creator ever sovereignly *tried* to accomplish the foreordained purpose and pleasure of His heart’s sovereign will, yet sadly, the holy desires of His heart are overcome and impotently fall in defeat before Satan’s overwhelming democratic powers of darkness? What about the looming battle of Armageddon, will God theocratically *try* to destroy the Humanistic Babylonian Beast’s democratic-willed digitally-marked (SS#) chattel that are held captive within the Satanic Socialist eugenics Security System?

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