Promotion Monday.
The Most High? Profanity belongs to the god below, the pit, and has no place amongst Christians,
and actually means they don't know how to talk, how to express.
Perhaps you listen to Jordan Peterson? Perhaps you saw his talk, which people said really helped them
to 'Clean your DAMN room'?
If my ROOM is DAMNED, why clean it?
Words mean something, and satan spends a lot of time blurring the lines, so we have
'the second 'COMING' and a man ready to ejaculate 'I'm COMING'. There's no need for
this. The man ejaculating isn't COMING anywhere. To 'COME' is not to ejaculate, it is
to arrive. And there are other examples.
Look at the word 'GAY'. What is 'GAY' about anal sex? About rutting like animals?
This word 'GAY' meant bright, and what is 'bright' about what destroys the anus,
making it 'leak' over time. Due to the strong pushing inward, the delicate muscle
becomes HARD and no longer can absorb liquid, thus dripping occurs in homosexuals,
and of course, nobody TALKS about that.
Homosexuality etc. is UNCLEAN, and God does NOT accept the UNCLEAN.
It IS true that IF someone has Godly sorrow, REPENTS of their vile deeds, and
usually gets help to go the righteous path, that certainly, THEN, they are
Remember that the bible says to 'LOVE NOT the WORLD, nor the things that are 'in the world'.
So, God certainly didn't 'LOVE' that fallen, sinful WORLD, but He did love His Creation,
His universe. Many words require 'context' and the word 'world' in John says it is
'cosmos'. We then see that the Sacrifice of the Lord covered not just this earth but
the entire universe. This is a HUGE enterprise, and it helps to know this so we see
we are a segment of what is going on.
This requires also knowing, studying and reading up on 'what and who are 'sinners' and what does
that mean'? It is an important and worthy discussion.
I've had the privilege to help homosexual males sometimes, and just BELLIEVING they can become
manly has helped some of them almost instantly. But they've been weakened, and hurt, and
yes, if they are searching, IF, then they certainly need our help, our love, our compassion and
never any condemnation. They can't stop themselves. So often, in our weak areas, we
cannot do it.
The apostle Paul in two different lists outlines those who cannot, do not find themselves
ever 'saved' and many of that list entail sexual sins. Because sex can contaminate
the soul, or, if it's done righteously, uplift the soul.
One of the most important scriptures, in my view, is found in Revelation, 'I would thou wert hot or cold'.
Anything that is lukewarm is cast out. No one 'loves' what is 'cast out'. And then the devil comes
and 'devours' this.
These are all excellent and important discussions.
The Most High? Profanity belongs to the god below, the pit, and has no place amongst Christians,
and actually means they don't know how to talk, how to express.
Perhaps you listen to Jordan Peterson? Perhaps you saw his talk, which people said really helped them
to 'Clean your DAMN room'?
If my ROOM is DAMNED, why clean it?
Words mean something, and satan spends a lot of time blurring the lines, so we have
'the second 'COMING' and a man ready to ejaculate 'I'm COMING'. There's no need for
this. The man ejaculating isn't COMING anywhere. To 'COME' is not to ejaculate, it is
to arrive. And there are other examples.
Look at the word 'GAY'. What is 'GAY' about anal sex? About rutting like animals?
This word 'GAY' meant bright, and what is 'bright' about what destroys the anus,
making it 'leak' over time. Due to the strong pushing inward, the delicate muscle
becomes HARD and no longer can absorb liquid, thus dripping occurs in homosexuals,
and of course, nobody TALKS about that.
Homosexuality etc. is UNCLEAN, and God does NOT accept the UNCLEAN.
It IS true that IF someone has Godly sorrow, REPENTS of their vile deeds, and
usually gets help to go the righteous path, that certainly, THEN, they are
Remember that the bible says to 'LOVE NOT the WORLD, nor the things that are 'in the world'.
So, God certainly didn't 'LOVE' that fallen, sinful WORLD, but He did love His Creation,
His universe. Many words require 'context' and the word 'world' in John says it is
'cosmos'. We then see that the Sacrifice of the Lord covered not just this earth but
the entire universe. This is a HUGE enterprise, and it helps to know this so we see
we are a segment of what is going on.
This requires also knowing, studying and reading up on 'what and who are 'sinners' and what does
that mean'? It is an important and worthy discussion.
I've had the privilege to help homosexual males sometimes, and just BELLIEVING they can become
manly has helped some of them almost instantly. But they've been weakened, and hurt, and
yes, if they are searching, IF, then they certainly need our help, our love, our compassion and
never any condemnation. They can't stop themselves. So often, in our weak areas, we
cannot do it.
The apostle Paul in two different lists outlines those who cannot, do not find themselves
ever 'saved' and many of that list entail sexual sins. Because sex can contaminate
the soul, or, if it's done righteously, uplift the soul.
One of the most important scriptures, in my view, is found in Revelation, 'I would thou wert hot or cold'.
Anything that is lukewarm is cast out. No one 'loves' what is 'cast out'. And then the devil comes
and 'devours' this.
These are all excellent and important discussions.