Jameson, I won't say that you put Luke 7 forth from a different perspective, but you most certainly put handles on it to bring to light some of the ideas in it that we tend to gloss over or not give proper due to..things like John saying, "Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world.", then turns around and asks, are You really the One, Lord?..or the Pharisees and other muckety-mucks assuming because they are the children of Abraham, they are entitled, have the right, to salvation, and here,ultimately, is Jesus saying it is not only a free gift, but available and offered to all, Jew and gentile. Thanks for the depth and the different facets you brought out.
RE: “And so we're seeing these different responses to who Jesus is and to what he brings. And that's a valuable lesson for us. How will we respond when we realize that what Jesus is offering is... unexpected from what we thought? Will we realize that we need what he is offering, the salvation that God offers through Jesus, the forgiveness of sins that God only offers through Jesus? Will we realize that, and how will we respond? With gratitude, with love, or with a self-righteous haughtiness thinking, we don't need that. I can handle this on my own. We'll see as we go forward how this plays out in the book of Luke.” Jameson Steward
Response: According to the circumcised heart’s regenerating gospel of Ezekiel 36:25-27, the unregenerate ‘old wineskin’ hearts of unbelievers and foolish virgins from Christ’s Bride, being under Humanism’s strong democratic delusion, will inherently respond to God’s holy-theocratic Word with abhorrence and self-assured contempt.
The wise virgins are a royal priesthood within Christ’s holy-theocratic Bride. They inherently respond in faithful obedience to the holy commandments of the Bridegroom’s gospel, because Elohim chose to remove their unrepentant democratic-self-willed ‘old wineskin’ heart and give them a repentant ‘new wineskin’ heart that is filled with the theocratic Spirit—‘New Wine’—of Elohim’s sovereign holy will.
Jameson, I won't say that you put Luke 7 forth from a different perspective, but you most certainly put handles on it to bring to light some of the ideas in it that we tend to gloss over or not give proper due to..things like John saying, "Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world.", then turns around and asks, are You really the One, Lord?..or the Pharisees and other muckety-mucks assuming because they are the children of Abraham, they are entitled, have the right, to salvation, and here,ultimately, is Jesus saying it is not only a free gift, but available and offered to all, Jew and gentile. Thanks for the depth and the different facets you brought out.
RE: “And so we're seeing these different responses to who Jesus is and to what he brings. And that's a valuable lesson for us. How will we respond when we realize that what Jesus is offering is... unexpected from what we thought? Will we realize that we need what he is offering, the salvation that God offers through Jesus, the forgiveness of sins that God only offers through Jesus? Will we realize that, and how will we respond? With gratitude, with love, or with a self-righteous haughtiness thinking, we don't need that. I can handle this on my own. We'll see as we go forward how this plays out in the book of Luke.” Jameson Steward
Response: According to the circumcised heart’s regenerating gospel of Ezekiel 36:25-27, the unregenerate ‘old wineskin’ hearts of unbelievers and foolish virgins from Christ’s Bride, being under Humanism’s strong democratic delusion, will inherently respond to God’s holy-theocratic Word with abhorrence and self-assured contempt.
The wise virgins are a royal priesthood within Christ’s holy-theocratic Bride. They inherently respond in faithful obedience to the holy commandments of the Bridegroom’s gospel, because Elohim chose to remove their unrepentant democratic-self-willed ‘old wineskin’ heart and give them a repentant ‘new wineskin’ heart that is filled with the theocratic Spirit—‘New Wine’—of Elohim’s sovereign holy will.