Thank you for yocur article! I hope you don't mind if I share something that I am pondering within myself as I read the last part of the article. I am not saying this at all to be critical I am just reflecting on something.. and I'm curious if anyone else might understand this.

When I see the word "worship, I immediately think of a time and place.

10:00 a.m.

church building.

But if I remove the word worship, then I still have 'praise' and 'give thanks' and 'sing' - and I don't mentally "assign" a time and place restriction on it...hmm.

And I am reflecting on how strange it feels to sing a song of praise to God in my kitchen on a random Monday morning since I have grown up believing that church is where we go to worship God.

(This is all kind of stemming from me seeing that the Greek words translated as worship are most often the words that are actually bow down or serve, and that there's not really a Greek for Hebrew word for worship)

Anyhow, sorry if this comment is a little bit off topic from the intent of your article but this is been on my mind lately. 😁🤗

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Hopefully, what we do when we assemble together as the church is worship! That is certainly a time of worship - at least, it's suppose to be.

But, that's not the only time we should worship God. As you mentioned, singing a song of praise to God in your kitchen - is that not worship? I believe it is.

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Timely message, thanks.

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