I'd like to ask a few questions as they 'come to me' for other's consideration and perhaps response?

To get 'a grip' on this topic, I'd like to begin by asking what PERSONAL SYNONYM would YOU give for

the word 'sin'? What OTHER word describes it, or says it 'for you'?

It certainly doesn't have to be, nor I'd say 'should it be' the same as mine at all. It depends on how

this word 'impacts' or 'resonates' with you.

Because I've been just so SAVED, in just SO very many WAYS, literally more than once, and in

many ways, and because it was 'do or die' for me upon conversion: do it, or don't ever do it,

and so, 'do it' meant AIM to go for it, to reach for it. Thus, this word 'sin' was a most vile,

filthy bloody, used up rag that smelled bad, and I wanted GONE, OUT of my life, whether it

was bad habits, bad ways.

I don't know how many of the 'sins' that the apostle Paul outlines are common for Christians:

they aren't common for me at all. But whatever would keep me from 'walking in the light',

from obeying the commands of the Lord, were 'sin' also, and those I had, those were

'filth within'. 'Rot within'.

If I'm DEAD to sin, then I am ALIVE to God. To that DEGREE I am really dead to sin, I am

REALLY Alive to God. And then God can reach me, have me be part of His team.

However He wants, in whatever way is best.

I have never, (to my knowledge) LIKED ...Sin. Porn, gambling, sex perversions, 'looking',

'money', 'things'....yes, I have SOME sin there because I bought too many things I couldn't

use, was in 'fantasy' about how I might use them, without realizing how much WORK they

were. I continue in 'godly sorrow' about this type of 'lust' where these things were on

'a big sale'. So what? I've been coming now for years to 'so what'.

So, then, what are other words for 'sin' to you? To get an idea of what they mean?

I happen to think that regularly overindulging in anything that CAN be bad for a person

is also SIN, but others may not see it this way.

I tend to see 'sin' as a 'curse' because doesn't it end up cursing us?

Nothing sinful can be part of the body of Christ.

I'm quite excited about that.

I remember a Christian friend of mine who looked forward to 'heaven' (she called

it that), when she said she wouldn't have 'another sinful thought'.

That is a very lovely picture, is it not?

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Well sin is described as "lawlessness" in 1 John 3:4. I've always thought of sin as crossing a line that should not be crossed, or wandering off of the path I ought to stay on. Sin is straying from what's true, holy, and right into what's false, wicked, and wrong. Sin is completely opposed to God.

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As we look at what's happening, I'd say, especially, but maybe not, in Canada, the 'transitioning, lopping off body parts, drag shows for babies(YES!!), legalization and government selling of COCAINE, we sure see 'lawlessness ' and they throw pastors in jail, let criminals out. The mind boggles.

So, for a Christian, your idea of a line, or zone that says 'danger' can direct in these dark times. Canadians can't get rid of the corruption.

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A synonym might be contaminants.

Anything that contaminates the human experience of pursuing Godliness.

Selfishness, indifference, lust, malevolence, entitlement, fantasy, nihilistic, critical, accusatory attacking, wilfull ignorance.

I see a major component of sin being a lack of acknowledgement of the reality of the human condition as it pertains to me.

Sin is my refusal to consider my own serious dysfunctions which prevent the Spirit of the Lord from interacting with me.

If this sounds mild, it is then imperative to consider where all the dysfunction leads, to whatever degree.

The Lord is PURE. Any degree of contamination is a part of total destruction.

However mild my dysfunction might seem, it can and does lead to levels, depths, or degrees of being a psychopathic sinner, dissociative to the extent of a split personality in order to discuss the Bible and then engage in or entertain criminal behaviour.

However slight the degree of the above, it must not be seen as an exaggeration because this is catastrophic as to where it can and likely will lead.

I agree that sin is a curse.

It is therefore understandable that no sin can enter in to the kingdom of God.

AND any sin trying to enter into the Body of Christ will be spit out.

That is a Holy guarantee of spiritual purity.

The refuge from corruption.

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