Hello James. I have recently discovered your daily emails. I am following along with the study on Roman's. Is there any way to receive all of them starting with Roman's chapter one. I would love to go thru them from the beginning and catch up to where you are now. I have the commentary by Wacaster which is good but I like the short version you are doing also. Thanks for your consideration. You brother in Christ,

Jim Goddard

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Hello Jim!

The best way is to start here: https://centeredonchrist.substack.com/t/romans

I have to go back and properly tag posts prior to Romans 7 to get them to show up, but I will be working on that.

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Thank you so much for your efforts. I really appreciate it. God bless you. Jim

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Are there any specific commentaries you recommend? I see that you often reference Pollard and Wacaster, are there any others out there that really stick out to you?

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I also really like McGuiggan's commentary on Romans. He does a good job a keeping the theme in mind.

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Thank you

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Love this journey through Romans with you, Jameson.

When I was first saved, 42 years ago, I began attending a Bible Study by a local pastor who took us on a five year journey through Romans. In my opinion, being in that Bible study was better than a Seminary degree. It is what grounded me in my Christian life. As a bonus, I met and married the girl of my dreams there (who happened to be the Pastor's daughter). God's mercies are indeed a blessing.

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Made me think of this: "Through the LORD's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I hope in Him!" (Lamentations 3:22-24)

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