On a less important note, and in the event you might be interested, I was helped in my understanding of the locust in Joel when I discovered National Geographic's December 1915 article, "Jerusalem's Locust Plague" by John Whiting. In that year, Jerusalem was hit with something very much akin to what is described by Joel. The subtitle for the article is, "Being a Description of the Recent Locust Influx into Palestine, and Comparing Same with Ancient Locust Invasions as Narrated in the Old World's History Book, the Bible." It is an extensive write-up, with amazing photos (though black and white), and quotes from Joel extensively. I ended up purchasing an old copy, but seems like a brother may have found a pdf somewhere online. Anyway, was glad to have it when teaching the book. Laura Ingalls Wilder's description (in On The Banks of Plum Creek) of the behavior of the grasshoppers--the Rocky Mountain locust--that consumed everything in Minnesota (and elsewhere) in the 1870s is also useful--astonishingly just like that described in Joel.

The 1915 Jerusalem Locust Plague



The 1870s North American Locust Plague


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Thanks for sharing this!

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Joel is an end times prophecy for now. Acts says I will pour out OF my spirit on all flesh. Joel says I will pour OUT my SPIRIT on all flesh. Out OF happened at pentecost,Jewish believers, first church. Pour OUT is for today no limit, kick the heavenly containers over n pour it OUT all over the world let YOUR son's n Daughters prophecy old men young men n women slaves (in bondage to addiction) errbody tell about JESUS!!! COME ON SOMEBODY!!!

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