Centered on Christ
Centered on Christ Podcast
6 Lessons From My Dad on His 60th Birthday

6 Lessons From My Dad on His 60th Birthday

Podcast Episode #084.

On this day 60 years ago my dad was born.

Now, I’ve only been knowing my dad since 1991 – but I’ve learned a few things from him in those 33 years or so.

So today, on his 60th birthday, I decided to share six lessons I’ve learned from him.

  • #1 – Put Jesus first, even when it’s difficult.

  • #2 – Work hard, and don’t complain.

  • #3 – Play with your kids.

  • #4 – “If the umpire calls it a strike, it’s a strike.”

  • #5 – “Once you leave, you can no longer be part of the solution.”

  • #6 – Don’t be afraid to make a change when it’s needed.

These are just six of the lessons I’ve learned from my dad.

Happy birthday Dad!

I love you!


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Centered on Christ
Centered on Christ Podcast
Helping sinners find the focus in life by centering our view on Christ. A podcast paired with the Centered on Christ Substack newsletter.