Many times we struggle with our self-worth. We sometimes feel inadequate.
Let’s examine how God views our worth, and hopefully, it will help us never to doubt our worth.
God tells us in His Word that we have worth because of how we are made.
Our world tries to tell us that a person does not have value just because they exist. In the world’s mind, the unborn child, the mentally disabled, the disabled, the elderly, and others have nothing of value to offer. Therefore, they are burdens (at best) and worthless (at worst) in the world's minds.
Our God, however, tells us that every person has immense value just because they exist.
Every person is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27).
Every person has been wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).
Every person has been given a spirit (soul, life) from God (Ecclesiastes 12:7).
Every person has a soul worth more than the whole world (Matthew 16:26).
If we ever begin to doubt our worth, remember that God has created each of us with immense value.
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