What then? Are we better than they? Not at all. For we have previously charged both Jews and Greeks that they are all under sin. (Romans 3:9)
The Jews had advantages over the Gentiles (Romans 3:1-2). However, this did not make the Jews superior to the Gentiles.
Paul concluded that the Jews - including himself - were not superior to the Gentiles at all.
Because all - Jews and Gentiles - are under sin.
What does it mean to be under sin?
To be “under sin” was to be under the oppressive hand of a cruel taskmaster. Using this imagery, Paul clearly portrayed everyone as a slave to sin. This was his “fundamental thesis about the human condition.” - Pollard, Truth for Today Commentary, 112
Both Jews and Gentiles were slaves of sin. Neither was superior to the other. While the Jews thought they could take refuge in the Law, Paul has shown that it was no safe haven for them.
The ground was shaking under the feet of the Jews, and there was no refuge in the Law - just as there was no refuge outside of Christ for the Gentiles. - Pollard, Truth for Today Commentary, 112
Paul points out that both Jews and Gentiles need to be set free from sin. All people need a Savior.
Thinking about the meaning of “sin.”
Donald Barnhouse included phrases to help explain the meaning of “sin.”
“Missing the mark.”
“Overstepping a boundary.”
Falling instead of standing.”
“Being ignorant instead of knowing.”
“Diminishing that which should be rendered in full.”
“Disobeying a voice.”
“Disregarding a command.”
Being wilfully careless.”
The Jews were guilty of sin like the Gentiles - remember Paul’s point at the beginning of Romans 2. The Jews were without excuse because they practiced the same things the Gentiles did.
No one can claim to be superior to anyone else because we are all under the oppressive taskmaster of sin.
Maybe you have tried to live a “more moral” life than other people - but this doesn’t make you better than them. You have still sinned, which means you are a “slave” to sin. You too still need to be set free - you need a Savior.
Truly understanding the gospel of Christ should rid our minds of all prejudice towards other people. We are all people who need the Savior.
All people need the gospel of Christ (Romans 1:16-17). It doesn’t matter your background, culture, skin color, or wealth - we all need the Savior.
Because of sin, no one can claim to be superior to anyone else.