For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. (Romans 8:6-8)
In Romans 8:5, Paul discussed what our mind is set on - is it the things of the Spirit or the things of the flesh?
As he continues making the point that the gospel of Christ does not promote living in sin, he shows how being “fleshly-minded” is totally opposed to God.
Being Fleshly-Minded is Death.
Being fleshly-minded is characterized by evil (Romans 8:5), and the result of that is death (Romans 6:23). However, being spiritually minded resulted in “life and peace.”
[Paul] viewed “life” not as mere physical existence, but rather as the unique quality of life that comes from faith in Christ and obedient living. - Pollard, Truth for Today Commentary, 266
Paul used similar language in Galatians 5:19-23 where he contrasted the works of the flesh with the fruit of the Spirit.
The mindset upon sin brings death, while the mindset upon “things above” (Colossians 3:1) brings life and peace.
Being Fleshly-Minded is Rebellion Against God.
Those who are fleshly-minded have chosen to oppose God. They have set themselves against God - they are “opposite” to God.
So long as a man sets his mind on the things of the flesh, he cannot, at one and the same time, be subject to the law of God. - Wacaster, Studies in Romans, 281
Those who serve sin have set themselves opposed to God. They do not submit themselves to God and His law. They are actively rebellion against God and His authority.
One cannot truthfully claim Jesus is the “Lord” of their life and live a life of rebellion against Him.
Being Fleshly-Minded is Displeasing to God.
It is impossible for a person currently fleshly-minded (living a life of sin) to be pleasing to God simultaneously.
Those who are “in the flesh” cannot please God. It isn’t simply a matter of their not pleasing him - they cannot please him. As “faith” stands opposed to “flesh” so without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). The man who remains “in the flesh” (decadent or highly moral) insists on standing without God. He fails to meet the Law’s demands and he refuses God’s gracious gift of Christ. - McGuiggan, Romans, 231
Those outside of Christ are living in sin and are the fleshly-minded ones Paul discusses in this passage.
Outside of Christ, there is no spiritual life or peace with God - only death and facing the wrath of God (Romans 5:9). Outside of Christ, there is no serving God - only rebellion.
Outside of Christ, there is no pleasing God.
Thankfully, through Christ, we are reconciled to God (Romans 5:10). We who were once opposed to God can now rejoice in Him through our Lord Jesu Christ (Romans 5:11).
Paul’s point is that living a life of sin is totally opposed to what being a Christian is all about.
This is so true. And so easy for our minds to just wander and think and consider some of the craziest things.