I’m taking a break today from our usual study of Romans.
I’m looking forward to my brother getting married this weekend! He’s already got a job he enjoys and owns a house two houses down from my parents. Now - he’s getting married and will have a family!
When I think about a couple getting married, I think of what Paul wrote in Ephesians 5:23-33. There the marriage relationship between a husband and wife is compared to the relationship between Jesus and His bride - the church.
A husband is to love his wife with a sacrificial love - just as Christ laid down His life for His church.
A wife is to respect the leadership of her husband - just as the church submits to the authority of Jesus Christ.
When God’s plan for marriage is followed, the couple can truly enjoy all the blessings of marriage as God intended.
I look forward to our family growing with the addition of my brother’s wife and her little girl.
I’m thankful for the new life they will soon begin together!