We Are Going to Begin a Journey Together Through the Book of Romans
Invite your family and friends to study along!
I’ve been thinking about studying through the book of Romans for a while.
I suppose I’ve put it off because I am a bit intimidated by it. Romans can be pretty challenging to study. But the book of Romans was written to the church - to Christians. It is a letter we still need today.
There is in the book of Romans that which will delight the greatest logician and hold the attention of the wisest among men, and there is that in the book of Romans that will bring the humblest soul in tears of repentance to the feet of the Saviour, will give him knowledge of the true value of his soul in the light of eternity and a true concept of the dignity of human personality when it has been lifted by the grace of God. - Donald Grey Barnhouse, Romans, Vol. 1, 3
It is a letter that reminds us of the darkest depths of sin and God's gracious gift of His Son.
The rest of the epistle is an outworking of the thoughts in these verses [Romans 1:16-17]. The essential message is that sin has wrapped its tentacles around mankind and only God’s gracious act of sending His Son as an atonement for sin can break its grip. - Paul Pollard, Truth for Today Commentary, 21
Romans is a letter that refocuses God’s people upon God’s power to save - the gospel of Christ (Romans 1:16). As we immerse ourselves in the gospel of Christ, our view and understanding of all Scripture will improve.
When one gets a workable knowledge of the book of Romans, he is in a better position to understand and appreciate all of the New Testament. - Tom Wacaster, Studies in Romans, 3
Sometimes we need to have our lives recentered once again upon Jesus Christ. The book of Romans will help us do that.
It was Godet, the Swiss commentator, who said that the Reformation was certainly the work of the Epistles to the Romans (and that of Galatians also) and that it is probable that every great spiritual renovation in the church will always be linked both in cause and in effect to a deeper knowledge of this book. - J. Vernon McGee, Thru the Bible, 641
I plan to move slowly through Romans - since there’s no time limit, we can take all the time we need to study through this letter together.
I don’t pretend to know anywhere close to everything about this book - in fact, I’m going to be learning quite a bit as we study together.
I hope you will invite your friends and family to study along with us!
Reading Romans Backwards by Scot McKnight is a really good look at Romans and these 2 short videos by BibleProject are so helpful too: https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/romans/