Merry Christmas everyone!
I try to take a few days off of writing this time of year, so it will be mostly guest articles through the end of 2023. Today’s article is a good one from Chad Ramsey.
But Lord willing, I’ll be back with more articles in 2024!
Although the book of Revelation is often misinterpreted and misused, it was written to comfort and encourage Christians who were being persecuted for their faith.
Beleaguered brethren needed to be reminded that God cared about their struggles. Thus, John wrote to encourage and sustain.
Nevertheless, John’s message did not ignore or minimize their sufferings. He was not an outsider; he was their “companion in the tribulation” (Revelation 1:9). John was personally aware of the gravity of their situation.
Revelation Speaks of Spiritual Warfare.
Consequently, the book of Revelation depicts Christians engaging in a spiritual war. The forces of good were battling the forces of evil.
Summarizing this point, John wrote:
“These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful” (Revelation 17:14).
Revelation Reminds Christians They Are Not Alone.
Perhaps the most important point that Christians were to glean from Revelation was that they were not alone in their struggle.
Their trial might have been great, but Jesus was fighting alongside them.
Revelation Reminds Christians of Their Victory.
Additionally, and very important to our current study, John wanted his audience to know that the forces of good would eventually triumph over the forces of evil.
This does not mean that there would be no casualties. Many faithful individuals were indeed martyred for the sake of truth.
It means, however, that the ultimate reward Christians were looking for awaited behind the horizon of eternity.
John pointed his audience to heaven and attempted to impress upon them that heaven’s glories would far outweigh any difficulties they might have to endure. The eternal destination of the faithful was one of rest, comfort, and joy.
Victory awaited those who did not renounce the faith.
Chad Ramsey preaches for the Gloster Street Church of Christ in Tupelo, Mississippi. You can access their Bible classes and Chad’s sermons on Gloster Street’s YouTube page.
Chad was - and still is - “my preacher” from when I spent my high school and early college years at Gloster Street. I’m thankful to be able to share some of his writings with you.