So I’m doing things a little bit differently on this “Promotion Monday.”
I recorded a video last night that I wanted to share with you. I hope you find it to be encouraging and uplifting as you may face struggles in your life.
I’ll post videos occasionally to the YouTube channel the following video is posted on, so feel free to subscribe if you want to keep up with them over there. I’ll also post them over here so you can keep up easier.
I appreciate and love all of you!
Always remember that God knows what you’re going through, and He continues to care for you!
Hi, You spoke about how, shall we say, 'the world around us goes on, doesn't notice or care about our pain or
suffering', and this led me to consider something horrible happening in Canada, and I think perhaps even
more in British Columbia, my province. This illustrates what you said.
I don't have links, videos, but you likely could still find them, perhaps, if they aren't censored, and
pulled off. That's a big thing with Canada, censoring so nobody can see it, read about it.
But Canada is heavily atheistic, and following that pattern is the idea of 'transitioning'.
A quite young person, say 10 or 11 or 12 can decide that they may have been born a boy,
but they actually are a girl inside themselves. Also, a girl can think she may have been born
a girl but in fact, she is a boy, so she has a girl's body but is really a boy.
The government has the answers for them!! And they DON"T need parental consent for this!!
At 11 years old, or 12, whatever it is. That 'misgendered' young person can get a FREE SEX CHANGE,
and all the drugs needed to turn a girl into a boy. She has surgery to remove any 'breasts formed',
and the boy will have his private parts removed. And then they get the drug therapy to make
these changes.
Some of the young people, (I never heard of those who were delighted with this, no videos surfaced
about that), but some young people come to 'see it differently', see that this was not a good thing
for them. And then they try to 'detransition', to, as much as possible, 'go back' to what they were!!!
This is real, true, happens!!
And THEN, when they approach their doctors, specialists that 'helped them(?)' transition, and
what do you think then happens? You spoke about the world not caring, not hearing your pain,
your suffering. You're all alone, or so it seems.
These young people face total rejection when they try to DETRANSITION, totally closed doors.
And what they have to say is very 'on', very 'telling'. Now they know, for sure, 'the hard way',
and some very lovely young people emerge from this horror story.
I demonstrate this as an extreme example of really being alone, no one to help, no one 'hears'.
What's really good is some of these very brave detransitioning young people 'tell all', put up videos
WARNING other young people of what they learned. So brave, and several do come to the Lord,
come to believe in God, through this absolutely horrific event.
So, we remember what the word 'church' means: CALLED OUT ones. And aren't we called out
so we can then turn around and help, where possible, those who are 'trapped' in the system?
I have also gone through things, and some things are ongoing. I have to get down to basics.
Either God IS, or God IS NOT. I came to what I saw and believed long ago now, as have you.
OK, God IS. And if God is, then His nature is to care, to lead, to teach, to help us stay out of
terrible things. Definitely, I have erred in the past, to my great ongoing sadness because
erring brings consequences. And we must live with those.
So, God cares, and God also 'chastises' so we can go the right way.
As I age, and I'm certainly getting up there, I have come to value rebuke, chastisement,
whether through people or through the Spirit. It's so easy to see things wrongly.
That's what you were describing, that your family saw it one way due to your situation,
another saw it entirely differently due to NOT having your situation.
And those poor detransitioners say no one hears them, no one listens, and now there's
no help to try to return. They are finding some ways, though, but some 'consequences'
are irreversible.
Let us remember this when we 'think' something is so great. Is it? Really? Are there any
irreversible consequences? And today, I'd do far more 'waiting upon the Lord'.
Sorry for long discussion, but it really 'got to me', their plight and how I wished I'd
somehow been able to help them!! I'm sure you know what I mean.