Sometimes You Need to Slow Down and Stop for a Minute
Otherwise you'll miss spots like Buzzard Roost Spring.
A sign caught my attention when I was driving home from Memphis several days ago.
It said, “Buzzard Roost Spring.”
I wasn’t in a huge hurry and decided to see what “Buzzard Roost Spring” was all about. I’m glad I did.

I walked down to the bottom of a ridge and found the spring you see in the pictures above. The water came from a spring underneath the bank in the picture on the left.
Once I climbed back up the ridge, I turned around and took another picture overlooking the spring.
Buzzard Roost Spring was such a quiet place, and it was nice to take a short break from driving to enjoy such a peaceful spot.
Some Spiritual Application.
I’m reminded of how Jesus described Himself as the giver of “living water” (John 4:13-14; 7:37). Jesus is the spring of ever-flowing living water, and everyone can come and drink freely (Revelation 22:17).
But how many of us are “too busy” to stop and quench our soul’s thirst at the living water?
We are so busy - so many places to go and things to do - that we travel past the One offering us the one thing we need most in our life. We think we’ll always have plenty of time to come back later.
But life doesn’t always work out that way, and we may not have the kind of time we think we do.
If only we had slowed down and drank that “living water” when we had the chance.
good sentiments