I looked through my Facebook Memories yesterday - November 8 - and realized that quite a few things have happened in my life on that date.
It’s a reminder that God keeps watching over us even as time goes on.
2013 - Filming the Alexander Campbell Documentary.
Back in 2013, I worked with the Gospel Broadcasting Network. I enjoyed my time working there and made some lifelong friends in the process.
One of the most interesting projects I worked on was a documentary about Alexander Campbell. I just helped run a camera and carry equipment. My good friend who edited the video also put me down as a “stunt double” for the host.
You can check out the video we shot and my friend edited below.
It was a long, tiring trip. But wow, was that part of the country beautiful! It’s a good trip, and there’s plenty of history and beautiful scenery if you ever get a chance to go.

It’s hard to believe it’s been ten years since we went on this trip.
2014 - A Gender Reveal Party.
Fast forward a year, and we had the gender reveal party for Nate - our first child - on November 8 as well.

It’s almost hard to remember our life before the kids came along. God blessed us with three little ones to care for and raise, and we couldn’t be more thankful for our three kids.
2017 - A Campaign to North Carolina.
In my final year at the Memphis School of Preaching, I went with a group of students and some of their wives to Rutherfordton, North Carolina, to help a church there for a week.
I’m in the top right-hand corner with no beard.
It was an enjoyable trip, and hopefully, we helped encourage the church there and reach people in the community with the gospel.
2020 - Preaching in Quarantine.
Finally, Facebook Memories shared a couple of videos of when I recorded a couple of lessons from my bedroom because I was quarantined with COVID-19 on November 8, 2020.
If I remember correctly, at the church where I preached at the time (Smithville Church of Christ), there were five or six other people who also had COVID-19 at the same time I did. Thankfully, we all had relatively light cases.
2020 was an extremely challenging time for the Lord’s church - many people felt lonely and grew discouraged and fearful. I hope we have learned from such a difficult moment and have grown stronger and closer to the Lord.
Lord willing, there will be more memories down the road on November 8. Maybe in ten years, I’ll look back and be amazed again at how many things have happened on that date.
And it will all serve as a reminder that the Lord is with us “wherever we go” (Matthew 28:19-20).