This statement is found in Isaiah 41:13.
For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.
Isaiah had spent his entire life in the menace of the Assyrian Empire. They were the dreaded enemies of God’s people. In 734 B.C. they destroyed the northern part of Israel. In 721 B.C. the rest of the kingdom was destroyed. They again invaded in 713 B.C. and by 701 B.C. they had taken all of Judah except Jerusalem. After this, Isaiah saw the Babylonian captivity. Isaiah 41 is a chapter of comfort to a distressed people.
Herein is found a beautiful picture of love and care for His people. It is the picture of a father holding his child’s hand during a very frightening time. We were always made to feel safe and secure when our hand was held tightly in our father’s hand. We often become fearful and distressed and need such comfort and assurance as well.
With our hand in God’s hand, why should we fear? (Cf. II Tim. 1:7; 4:16-17). One time in the life of Peter he became afraid and began to sink (Mt. 14:24-33), but the Lord’s hand caught Peter. One should carefully hold God’s hand instead of surveying the wind that blows against him. Instead of fearing the obstacles one should look to Him (Heb. 12:1-2). God desires to hold our hand too.
3 Reasons We Should Never Fear.
There are many reasons not to fear. Allow me to mention three reasons we should never fear!
1. Because God Walks With Us.
God walks with us through the fiery furnaces of affliction and through the crucible suffering and He will see us through it (Psa. 23:4; Mt. 28:20; Rev. 1:15). God never forsakes His people (Heb. 13:5-6). The Christian lives in the full assurance of his faith that, “Our God is able to deliver us” (Dan. 3:17).
2. Because God Knows Us.
He knows our strengths and limitations (Jn. 2:24-25; 10:14; Psa. 103:13-14). He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows our thoughts before we think them and words before we speak them (Psa. 139:1-16). God will never place more on us than we can carry (I Cor. 10:13). There is always help for the person who will, “Hold to God’s unchanging hand.”
3. Because God Hears Us.
The Christian has the power and privilege of prayer on his side (I Pet. 3:12). Through prayer we can leave our cares to Jesus, for He, “Cares for you” (I Pet. 5 7).
“When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, when you are discouraged thinking all is lost...,” it is then we need to make sure that our hand is securely in God’s hand!
Robby C. Eversole preaches for the Pennville Church of Christ in Summerville, Georgia. He is the father of another “guest poster” on Centered on Christ - Robby Eversole, Jr. I appreciate his stand for God’s word and his efforts in proclaiming the gospel!
AWESOME!!! Thank you!! 🙏
These are wonderful, inspiring words of assurance. We live in a world where we need ALL of the assurance we can possibly find. Thank God for these words of assurance!😊