To be clear upfront: There is nothing wrong with going shopping. If you go Black Friday shopping, you do not need to come forward on Sunday.
I mean, so long as you don’t punch anyone over the last Air Fryer at Target…
Now that I have that disclaimer out of the way, I just want to point how incredibly amazing it is that Black Friday comes right after Thanksgiving.
The United States of America sets aside the fourth Thursday in November as a day to be thankful. It is immediately followed by a day of shopping for more “stuff.”
“We’re thankful for what we have…but we would like more.”
Now, I know that a lot of people do their Christmas shopping around Black Friday. Most of their shopping is done for other people, not themselves.
Black Friday should remind Christians of an important biblical lesson.
Whether we have a little or a lot, let’s remember to truly be thankful and content with what we have (1 Timothy 6:6).
There’s nothing wrong with buying something on Black Friday - but are we buying things because we aren’t content with what we have? That’s a different question and a matter of the heart that you will have to consider for yourself.
Black Friday extends a wonderful opportunity to use what we have to do good and to share with others (1 Timothy 6:17-19).
Remember to be thankful on Thanksgiving and on Black Friday.