His name was Joses - but nobody remembers him by that name.
Everyone remembers Joses as Barnabas, the name the apostles gave him (Acts 4:36). Barnabas means “Son of Encouragement.” Barnabas was built up and strengthened others - including the apostle Paul.
Only God knows how many Christians will spend eternity with God - in part - because Barnabas took the time to encourage them. He looked for the discouraged and downhearted, put his arm around them, and built them back up.
He understood the value and importance of every single Christian. He realized that we “are the body of Christ, and members individually” (1 Corinthians 12:27).
What name would the apostles give you?
Would your name mean something like “faithful” or “merciful?”
There’s also a negative side to this - Diotrephes is remembered as loving to be first (3 John 9-10). His name will forever be connected to selfishness and sin.
Is the way you live your life helping or hindering others from spending eternity with God?
Are you focused and centered on yourself or focused on others?
One of the benefits of being a Christian is the family we have in each other. Barnabas understood this.
Let’s be like Barnabas and help encourage others.
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