We sing, “There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel’s veins; and sinners plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains.”
Zechariah foresaw a time when a “Fountain for cleansing and sin would be opened outside of Jerusalem” (Zechariah 13:1). Just like Zechariah prophesied, “Jesus suffered without the gate” (Hebrews 13:12).
The Bible is a blood book. The church is blood-bought. Salvation is blood purchased. I’m a blood preacher. Some desire to take the word “Blood” out of the Bible. They say it is “Nasty”, we say it is “Necessary.” They say that it is “Repulsive”, we say it is “Redemptive.”
“What can wash away my sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus?” We dare not forget that Calvary was a bloody place. Jesus gave until He didn’t have anything left to give but His blood, and He gave that one drop at a time.
“Redeemed how I love to proclaim it, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; redeemed by His infinite mercy, His child and forever I am.” This old world can never be the same because Jesus died in it.
“My sins, my sins, my Savior, how sad on Thee they fall, seen through Thy gentle patience I ten-fold feel them all; I know they are forgiven, but still their pain to me, is all the grief and anguish they laid my Lord on Thee.” How could we ever put anyone or anything ahead of Him in our schedule of life? When Christ was on the cross we were on His mind.
Christ died for our sins (I Corinthians 15:3). He died, preferring humanity to divinity, earth to heaven, servitude to sovereignty and Calvary’s cross to heaven’s throne. Christ died for our sins, putting away sin by the sacrifice of Himself, being the mercy seat for the world but finding no mercy for Himself. Christ died — wrapping Himself in the agonies we deserve for our wrongdoing, receiving wages of sin He never earned, so we might have life we never deserved.
Christ died, taking all our sins upon Himself that we might stand before God with none of our sins on ourselves. Christ died, making a complete sacrifice, ratifying the covenant in His own precious blood, the procuring cause of our redemption, the assurance of our acceptance and access.
Blessed by blood!
“There’s a fountain now flowing from the cross of Calvary!”
Robby C. Eversole preaches for the Pennville Church of Christ in Summerville, Georgia. He is the father of a regular “guest poster” on Centered on Christ - Robby Eversole, Jr. I appreciate his stand for God’s word and his efforts in proclaiming the gospel!
Thank you for writing about this topic, his blood is so precious! And thank you for pointing out that he is the mercy seat, (which is often translated as propitiation and is just a confusing Latin word which nobody really understands LOL! )
But also, I recently did an extensive study of the sinlessness of Jesus, because I was wondering, did Jesus really bear our sins/ take them on himself or become sin?
Here is the link https://alw6541.wixsite.com/findagooduse/post/the-sinlessness-of-jesus